
Aditya Sengupta

Hello, I am 10th grader at the Overlake School. Creating dramatic art with DALL-E, generating creative natural language with ChatGPT, and employing iRoomba robots to clean your home - these applications are all powered by the magic of Math/Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence. As a 10th grader and STEM enthusiast, I see the potential for these fields to make our world a better place. I want to share my knowledge, enthusiasm, and passion for STEM with more kids both locally and globally and help spark the next generation of STEM innovators.

Underserved Students

Amrita-Seattle works with underserved students in rural India and Nepal. These students come from families that are economically disadvantaged, and they often face challenges such as poverty, malnutrition, and lack of access to education. Amrita-Seattle provides these students with a variety of support services, including:

Amrita-Seattle's work with underserved students has made a significant impact on their lives. Students who receive support from Amrita-Seattle are more likely to stay in school, complete their education, and go on to college. They are also healthier and more likely to lead productive lives.

Amrita-Seattle is a grass root USA-based 501©(3) NGO that is dedicated to providing basic education, nutrition, healthcare and clean water solutions to underprivileged communities in India with the objective of empowering children from challenged background and helping them achieve their potential. They have a website where you can read about their field stories and eye-witness accounts of previous projects from their volunteers. https://amrita-kumbha.org

Deployment in Ladakh, India

As for my future plans with the Firefly app, I plan to expand both its collection of articles to provide more content for students and add more learning tools to help support even more students with diverse special needs. I am also planning to submit and publish this app to the Apple App Store so that it is more accessible for students to use.\n\nIn partnership with the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Amrita-Seattle, I will also deploy this app sometime in the near future to underserved kids who are impaired (visually, hearing, or speaking) with limited internet access in the mountainous region of Ladakh (near the Himalayas) in India.

This app will help educate these children about STEM. Living in such a remote, mountainous, and inaccessible region, the kids can only come down to the base stations in the Summer, when the snow melts, but are isolated in the mountains during the winter. The plan is for the kids to download the app in the Summer and then use it throughout the rest of the year when they lack a stable internet connection. This way, students will be able to continue their learning year-round.